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Group Supervisions

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CME Credits

The Integrative Psychiatry Program

What is included in the Psychiatry Redefined Fellowship?

The Fellowship program includes the following components:

  • Certification and Certified Provider status (upon training completion – see below for further details)
  • Unlimited access to all courses and educational material for two years
  • 60+ CME credits for accredited courses (optional)
  • 300+ hours of educational content
  • Monthly functional medicine testing review supervisions with faculty (24 sessions total held within the first year)
  • Twice-monthly Group Supervisions with faculty Q&A (24 sessions total held within first year)
  • Dedicated faculty office hours each month for first year of study (3hrs+ monthly)
  • 2-year membership in the private Psychiatry Redefined Fellow Listserv Community
  • Complimentary access to all Psychiatry Redefined educational events (conference, seminars, etc) in first year of study

What will I learn in this Fellowship?

Through this Fellowship, you’ll learn:

  • Precise clinical interventions to help patients finally heal, resolve underlying causes and triggers of mental illness, overcome treatment resistance, and achieve lasting recovery
  • How to create personalized treatment plans to target infections, toxins, inflammation, hormones, nutrition, diet, gut health, genetics, lifestyle, and other key biomarkers related to mental illness
  • The latest clinical applications in nutritional and metabolic psychiatry, and leading-edge research and interventions in functional medicine to keep you at the forefront of mental health care
  • The analytical and interpretive skills to assess functional labs and tests for your patients (such as organic acids, amino acids, and others), along with the clinical recommendations for addressing test results
  • Strategies to move patients beyond the current polypharmacy model, symptom management and treatment/drug resistance

Is this a certified program?

Yes! The Fellowship is a certified professional education program. You will become a Psychiatry Redefined Certified Functional Medicine Provider (PRCFMP) upon completion of this program and will receive a Certificate of Training Completion. More information on certificates can be found below.

*Education & Certification Disclaimer: Psychiatry Redefined is neither a regulatory nor licensing organization and therefore not sanctioned to certify, license, or otherwise bestow the legal authorization to practice as a psychiatrist, nurse or NP, PA, psychologist, nutritionist, physician, or other mental health professional. Certification from the Fellowship training certifies a candidate’s completion of the Fellowship training ONLY. Our Fellowship is NOT intended to replace, override, or conflict with existing board certification or national licensing requirements for health professionals and their requirements for practice in their state of residency and practice. Our Fellowship is NOT intended to replace formal clinical education or to provide qualifications for independent clinical practice. Certification from our Fellowship training does not automatically translate into or qualify for clinical practice privileges. Completing our Fellowship does not imply or guarantee the legal right to practice medicine or provide clinical services.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

We understand that enrolling in a professional education program is a big decision and each potential fellow may have unique questions. We offer a variety of ways to connect with our team and Dr. Greenblatt to ensure you’re making the right decision for your career and clinical goals.

You may schedule a free and private discovery call with a team member here. Note: We encourage you to review the questions listed on this FAQ page to ensure you get the most from your time with our team.

Dr. Greenblatt also offers live, Q&A webinars every Sunday this fall (through November 2024). These free informational sessions will provide a comprehensive overview of our 12-month Fellowship program. You can ask questions live and gain insight into functional and integrative medicine for mental health.

You may also email our Fellowship Director at fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org at any time, and she will respond to you directly.

What are the fundamental principles of this Fellowship?

This Fellowship is a comprehensive program built on three key pillars: clinical mastery, community support, and practice coordination.

We incorporate the latest functional medicine with practical, precision medicine strategies to expand how you provide psychiatric care, along with the guidance and support to elevate your practice and deliver lasting wellness to your patients.

  • Clinical: We provide scientific, evidence-based curriculum developed by international experts. To learn more about our specific clinical focus areas, please see the question below.
  • Community: We provide direct, hands-on faculty guidance and peer support including private community and discussion forums, live group and testing supervisions, and referrals.
  • Coordination: We provide mentorship on practice management strategies, and guidance on EHR, marketing and legal to help you develop a thriving practice.

What are the clinical focus areas that will be covered in this Fellowship?

Our Fellowship is built around nine essential, science-backed areas of clinical focus that provide the organizational structure for our curriculum, inform our approach to care, and that we see as the overarching theme of integrative and functional medicine for psychiatry.

  • Nutritional & Metabolic Psychiatry: Our brain and body cannot function properly without the appropriate nutrients. Nutritional deficiencies, including vitamin D, B12, folate, iron, zinc, magnesium, omega-3 fats and others can all play a detrimental role in brain function. Likewise, many mental health disorders can be impacted by imbalances in the body’s metabolism, as a result of diet, genetics, and stress. By properly assessing and treating nutritional imbalances and metabolic factors (like insulin resistance and inflammation), symptoms of mental health conditions often improve or resolve. Interventions may include ketogenic diets/low-carb, lifestyle changes, supplementation, and medication.
  • Infections: Some infections, such as Lyme disease, streptococcus and clostridium can cause or contribute to mental health problems such as obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, anxiety and depression. While often overlooked, knowing how to assess for and treat chronic infections can be a critical factor in helping patients recover from mental illness.
  • Genetics: Genetics play a role in the development of many mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and schizophrenia. Understanding how to assess genetic markers and modify treatment appropriately is a fundamental component of both Functional and Personalized Medicine.
  • Environmental Medicine: Environmental factors such as exposure to mold and toxins, like heavy metals, plastics and pesticides, among numerous others, can contribute to the development of health problems, including mental health conditions. Toxic compounds are known to have detrimental effects on the brain and nervous system, from causing inflammation to disrupting neurotransmitter function. Identifying and treating toxicities can also play a role in a patient’s recovery from mental illness.
  • Functional Medicine Labs & Testing: The core of Functional Psychiatry is objective laboratory testing that can be used to identify and monitor the underlying causes and factors that contribute to mental health. For example, blood tests can be used to check for nutritional deficiencies, endocrine dysregulation, microbiome disruptions, genetic markers, toxicities, infections and inflammation, all of which can contribute to mental illness. Lab testing can help in both identifying the causes and monitoring a patient’s progress during treatment.
  • Psychiatric Medications & Side Effects: Medication treatments for mental health conditions, while not typically a cure, still have their place. Using medications appropriately when needed can help patients in their recovery. In addition, through the proper application of Functional Medicine, it is often possible to reduce or eliminate common medication side effects, improving patient compliance.
  • Hormones: Hormones, including the sex hormones, thyroid hormones and insulin, can all play a role in the development of mental health disorders. Measuring and treating hormone dysregulation can be another powerful tool on the path to recovery from mental illness.
  • Psychedelics: Psychedelics have been shown to be effective in the treatment of some mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. While not a panacea, psychedelics can help to alter the brain’s chemistry and promote neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to change and adapt.
  • Gastrointestinal Microbiome: The gastrointestinal microbiome plays a significant role in both physical and mental health. Through a number of different mechanisms, the brain influences the gut and vice versa. By assessing for and addressing microbiome disturbances, many patients notice improvements in both physical and mental health symptoms.

How long does each Fellowship session run?

The Fellowship is a 12-month program, and fellows are granted two years of access to all Psychiatry Redefined curriculum—including courses, special lectures, webinars, conference presentations, resources and more in our learning system—along with two years of access to the private Community Forum for invaluable and ongoing fellow-faculty-peer discussion and networking.

We consider the first year of study (first 12 months of each cohort) to be significant, as the majority of the interactive faculty mentorship and hands-on learning takes place during this time. All live supervisions and faculty office hours for each cohort take place within the first year of study. Additionally, all online educational events are provided for free to Fellows in this first year. In the second year of study, Fellows are typically provided generous alumni discounts for all upcoming programs, seminars and special events.

Fellows may proceed through curriculum at their own pace during their term of study, but we encourage Fellows to follow the curriculum schedule outlined in the syllabus to keep pace with group and testing supervisions that are held during the first 12 months of study.

Two Fellowship cohorts generally run simultaneously each year, with one beginning in January (Winter session) and the other beginning in July (Summer session).

What is the time commitment? Can I complete this while working full time?

This Functional & Integrative Psychiatry Fellowship was built for busy professionals who are currently engaged in full-time work, study and/or practice. The average time commitment is 8-10 hours per month. The Fellowship is self-paced; the more time put in, the more you learn.

Each month we suggest taking the monthly courses listed in the syllabus and completing the recommended readings, along with the related talks, webinars and special lectures listed. We also highly encourage all Fellows to attend group and special topic supervisions when they are held live each month (multiple sessions), but all group supervisions are recorded for later viewing.

There is a minimum of four (4) hours per month of faculty contact: 3 hours of group and/or special topic supervisions, 1 hour of office hours, and additional bonus lectures organized around special topics and/or special faculty.

Can I work through the program at my own pace?

The Psychiatry Redefined Fellowship blends online self-paced, self-directed study with live, guided supervisions and training led by Dr. James Greenblatt and faculty. You can watch online course lectures and review course materials immediately upon enrollment, and at your own pace over a two-year period of study.

Group and special topic supervisions (live sessions conducted via Zoom with faculty and leaders) follow a monthly schedule, with each month dedicated to a different course and topic. These topics differ between the Winter and Summer Cohorts (groups). We recommend that Fellows join as many supervisions (similar to clinical rounds) as they can, so they get the most out of the real-time Q&A with Dr. Greenblatt and faculty.

That said, attendance at all live supervision sessions is not a requirement. If you are unable to join a given Supervision you can access each session recording later via your Learning Management System (LMS) student dashboard.

Are you able to incorporate functional medicine into your practice easily and are patients receptive?

Many clinicians integrate functional and integrative medicine approaches slowly into their patient’s treatment, as they learn and on an ongoing basis. It is a learning curve. There is a team of collaborative and supportive peers always willing to help as you implement what you learn into practice, and willing to discuss treatment plans for real patient cases. Most clinicians report that even small changes have a huge impact on their patients. Thus, we also hear that most patients are receptive and welcoming of the direction and more importantly, they finally feel relief.

Do I have to listen to lectures in a specific order?

While not a requirement, it is recommended that Fellows proceed through core Fellowship courses in the order that corresponds to the monthly syllabus and schedules for their specific Winter or Summer Cohort program. Each cohort follows a slightly different schedule, so please refer to your syllabus for your cohort’s monthly curriculum.

Are there any required components of the program?

Completion of all courses and course content listed are required in order to claim eligibility to receive a program completion certificate/diploma and (optional) inclusion in the PR Provider Directory.

  • Fellows have either one year or two years of access to all courses and course materials; fulfillment of these completion requirements may be claimed anytime during the chosen term of study.
  • Completing all courses of the Core Curriculum and claiming eligibility for a diploma is entirely optional.
  • Upon completion of these required components, you may request a Completion Review to obtain your diploma. To learn more about this process, please review the questions listed under our Program Completion/Diploma FAQs section below.

What are the optional components of the program?

The following components of the Professional Fellowship program are optional adjuncts to learning available to all program registrants.

While not required to claim program completion or receive the Psychiatry Redefined Professional Fellowship Diploma, they represent valuable opportunities to expand and enhance knowledge. Thus, we strongly encourage all Fellows to watch and/or participate in the following:

  • Additional Courses: In addition to the courses comprising the Core Curriculum, Fellows enjoy unlimited access to the Supplemental Courses available in the online course library. This includes new courses* added to the course library during their term of enrollment.
  • Past and upcoming webinars, special lectures, educational conference recordings (unless otherwise outlined as Core Curriculum)
  • Past Group Supervision recordings
  • 2-year membership in the Community Forum: The private Community Forum provides Fellows with a robust platform wherein they may connect with peers from around the world, engage in discussions, ask questions of mentors and PR Faculty, and present cases. Many Fellows convey that the perspectives and knowledge they have gained through the participation in the Community represents an invaluable component of their overall Fellowship learning experience.
  • Complimentary registration to any online Psychiatry Redefined event (conferences, symposiums, seminars): Dedicated to the advancement of functional psychiatry, Psychiatry Redefined regularly hosts scientific conferences involving experts from various fields. Fellows are eligible for complimentary registration to any PR event during their first year of study.

Do I need to pass tests along the way?

Not necessarily. You only need to complete and pass tests if you wish to obtain CME credits/certification for accredited courses. Only accredited courses have tests. If you do not plan to report any CME credits, then testing is not required for any component of the Fellowship.

If you wish to claim CME credits, please review the information provided in the CME section of these FAQs below.

How do I communicate with other Fellows in the program?

All enrolled Fellows will be registered in the PR Fellowship Community, a private member forum where you may participate in ongoing group discussions and network with your peers. The Community establishes a forum through which Fellows can present cases, ask questions, and engage in peer- and faculty-led discussions to foster growth and education. Participation in Community discussions, while not mandatory, is strongly recommended, as it allows for dynamic engagement with like-minded peers, faculty, and our founder, James Greenblatt, MD.

PLEASE NOTE: Fellows who participate in forum discussions via the Community are solely responsible for adhering to policies for Patient Privacy and Confidentiality in accordance with all relevant institutional, state, and federal laws, along with our Fellowship Terms & Conditions.

Will I be able to present and discuss questions from real clinical cases?

Yes! The Professional Fellowship is not only an educational experience, but a collaborative one. Learning how to apply your knowledge in real-life clinical contexts and improve patient outcomes is part of our guiding principles. Fellows are encouraged to present clinical cases for discussion, to stimulate group discourse and glean valuable insights from Dr. Greenblatt.

  • Peer Listserv: We encourage Fellows to present clinical cases for group review, weigh-in on questions and topics, and ask specific questions about clinical cases via the Listserv peer forum. Dr. Greenblatt maintains active participation in this email forum, and will comment on cases presented therein.
  • Group Supervisions: These live group sessions provide another opportunity to present clinical cases and ask questions. Q&A is built into the timetable for every Group Supervision, and the Faculty member leading the Supervision (Dr. Greenblatt) will answer questions pertaining to the topic at hand. Learn more about Group Supervisions.
  • Submitting Questions: Questions may be submitted directly to the Faculty member moderating the Group Supervision via the Zoom tool. Alternatively, you may submit questions and/or cases ahead of time to Heather Getz at hgetz@psychiatryredefined.org, who will provide them to the relevant Faculty member leading the upcoming Supervision Q&A.
    • Fellows who choose to submit patient data, test results, testing forms, and other documents should take care to redact or remove any and all potentially identifying information BEFORE submitting. Psychiatry Redefined is not responsible for the redaction of potentially identifying patient information from cases submitted by Fellows.

PLEASE NOTE: All Fellows who participate in forum discussions via the Listserv are solely responsible for adhering to policies for Patient Privacy and Confidentiality in accordance with all relevant institutional, state, and federal laws, along with our Fellowship Terms & Conditions.

How do I claim my free conference registrations?

Included in the price of the Professional Fellowship is complimentary registration to all Psychiatry Redefined-hosted online conferences within the first year of study.

To register for the event(s) of your choice, please email Heather Getz at hgetz@psychiatryredefined.org to request registration access.

Please note: Only online events scheduled to occur during your first year of enrollment are eligible to be claimed as complimentary (included) events. We often provide generous alumni discounts for educational events for Fellows in their second year of study.

What is the Participation Agreement?

By submitting my registration for the Psychiatry Redefined Professional Fellowship, I agree that:

  1. I understand, acknowledge, and agree that the education I receive as a result of my participation in the Psychiatry Redefined Professional Fellowship does not authorize me to exceed or alter my scope of practice, and I agree that I will maintain compliance with my current certifications / licensures / credentials in accordance with all relevant laws and any/all relevant medical licensing entities
  2. I understand, acknowledge, and agree that my participation in the Psychiatry Redefined Professional Fellowship is neither a substitute nor a replacement for any educational, certification, and/or licensing requirements that may be applicable to me and does not independently authorize me to exceed or change the legal scope of my practice
  3. I understand, acknowledge, and agree that my activities within the medical, psychiatric, and health/wellness fields are subject to my qualifications, licensure, and/or certifications in accordance with relevant laws and any/all relevant medical licensing entities
  4. I have reported my education, professional training, experience, and professional and/or academic credentials accurately and honestly
  5. I understand, acknowledge, and agree that I am bound to uphold all laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to patient privacy and confidentiality that apply to me (such as HIPPA) and that I am solely responsible for adhering to these laws, rules, and regulations at all times during my participation in the Psychiatry Redefined Professional Fellowship.
  6. If I choose to present clinical cases for discussion during my participation in the Psychiatry Redefined Fellowship and/or thereafter via the Psychiatry Redefined Fellowship Listserv, I understand, acknowledge and agree that I am solely responsible for taking all necessary measures to ensure my compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to patient privacy and confidentiality.
  7. I understand, acknowledge and agree that the Terms & Conditions of the Psychiatry Redefined Professional Fellowship in Functional Psychiatry are subject to change at Psychiatry Redefined’s sole discretion.
  8. By submitting my registration for the Psychiatry Redefined Professional Fellowship, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to all Terms & Conditions as detailed herein.

Psychiatry Redefined Fellowship Enrollment / Eligibility

When does the Psychiatry Redefined Fellowship begin?

This Winter 2025 session begins in January 2025 and enrollment for this Fellowship is now open! Click here to enroll.

Each Fellowship cohort officially begins with the commencement of the first group supervision (typically mid-July or mid-January, for the Summer and Winter sessions, respectively).

We typically run two Fellowship cohorts simultaneously each calendar year: the Winter Cohort (begins January) and the Summer Cohort (begins July). Enrollment for the Winter Cohort opens in the fall prior to the January program start date; enrollment for the Summer Cohort open in the spring prior to the July program start date.

How do I enroll?

Enrollment for the Winter 2025 Fellowship can be completed here.

Payment is required at time of enrollment. Upon enrollment you will be granted access to all Fellowship curriculum. A confirmation of payment and registration will be emailed to the email address that you provide with your enrollment; please be sure to check your spam folder for this welcome emails featuring helpful links, details and reminders.

How do I know if this functional psychiatry training program is right for me?

We understand that the Fellowship is a considerable investment of both time, money and resources. We want all Fellowship enrollees to feel comfortable with their decision to enroll. Thus, we invite all individuals considering the Fellowship to explore the program, read testimonials from past Fellows, learn about our esteemed faculty and founder, Dr. James Greenblatt.

We encourage those who are interested to check our our Intro to Functional & Integrative Psychiatry Training Program to get a better understanding of the curriculum. The Functional & Integrative Psychiatry Program provides a strong introductory foundation for mental health professionals with limited experience in functional, nutritional and integrative medicine. This unique learning program bridges concept and application in basic functional psychiatry, while also providing a launching point for those looking to pursue more advanced coursework or Fellowship training.

Additionally, Dr. Greenblatt and faculty offer complimentary discovery webinars and phone calls to anyone considering the Fellowship program. This is a unique opportunity for prospective fellows to learn about the program, and determine whether the Fellowship matches their professional needs.

Who is eligible to enroll?

The Psychiatry Redefined Professional Fellowship is intended for clinicians and other healthcare professionals who have advanced degrees in the medical sciences.

This program is typically ideal for the following advanced degrees: MDs, DOs, PsyDs, RNs, NPs, PAs, LPN, PMHNPs, PMHNP-bcs, LCSW, LPC, LMHC. Psychiatry Redefined also welcomes licensed acupuncturists (LAc), licensed/registered dieticians, and licensed herbalists and naturopaths (ND).

While being a direct healthcare provider is not a requirement, prospective registrants should note that this program is geared heavily towards the application of integrative and functional medicine principles, concepts, and approaches in clinical contexts.

Is the fellowship appropriate for psychotherapists?

The Fellowship training program is designed for mental health clinicians interested in nutritional metabolic medicine. It is geared towards those professions that can order testing as well as make recommendations for supplements. The vast majority of the fellows are physicians, nurse practitioners and naturopaths, though there are increasing numbers of dietitians and therapists who have found immense benefits in the educational content.

I am a student. Am I eligible to enroll?

Students in training to achieve any of the following qualifications (MD; RN; NP; PA; LPN; PMHNP; PMHNP-bcs; LCSW; LPC; LMHC; ND; LAc, licensed/registered dietician/nutritionist; certified herbalist) and/or an advanced degree in neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, nutrition, nutritional science, or related fields are welcome to enroll in the Professional Fellowship.

PLEASE NOTE: Some course content may be challenging for students who have not yet taken postgraduate-level coursework in topics such as cellular biology, neuroscience, biochemistry and metabolism.  If you are unsure if the Fellowship is appropriate for you at this stage in your academic and/or clinical education, please email our Fellowship Director at fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org and she will respond to you directly, and would be happy to answer questions and/or connect you with Dr. James Greenblatt.

Do you offer scholarships or student discounts?

Yes! We offer a discount on Fellowship registration fees for full-time students as well as medical/psychiatric residents and interns. We also offer scholarships for certain individuals who may qualify.

If you would like to be considered for the student discount or a scholarship, please email our Fellowship Director at fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org and she will reply to you directly with more information. Please be prepared to provide contact information for your current academic advisor(s) and/or residency supervisor so that we may verify your status as a student/resident/intern.

Do I need to have prior Integrative or Functional Medicine Training?

Familiarity with the basic concepts of integrative and/or functional medicine will be helpful for those beginning the Professional Fellowship, but it is not a requirement. We welcome any and all healthcare professionals who seek to advance their standards of practice and participate in the evolution of modern psychiatry.

This program is for you if you wish to:

  • Improve therapeutic outcomes for your patients
  • Learn how to apply objective biologic measurement to create scientifically-informed, personalized treatment plans for your patients
  • Master balance in practice
  • Treat root causes, not just symptoms
  • Embrace a vision for healthcare that integrates mind and body to cultivate lasting health

Is Fellowship training suitable and/or appropriate for international practitioners?

Yes!  Our web-based Learning Management System permits access to online course materials from virtually any location, and we welcome healthcare professionals from around the world who are inspired to participate in the evolution of modern psychiatry.

After enrollment, when will course access be provided?

Access to our educational dashboard, the Psychiatry Redefined Learning Management System (LMS), will be provided in less than 24 hours after LMS registration and program enrollment. This system is where you will find all courses and material. A confirmation of payment and enrollment will be emailed to the address provided during enrollment. Please be sure to check your spam/junk folder for this email.

Once your enrollment and payment are processed, completing a Fellowship Questionnaire in our LMS is required before you can begin any study. This is available on your student dashboard.

I recently enrolled and I'm overwhelmed with all this new information; are there resources available to help me?

We appreciate that immersion into a novel program of study can occasionally be overwhelming, and that Fellows who may not have prior experience in functional medicine theory or application may initially feel a bit inundated.

Rest assured that there are multiple resources at your disposal to help ease you into your program of study:

  • All newly enrolled Fellows are encouraged to attend a Fellowship Orientation/Meet & Greet webinar. These optional webinars are held at the beginning of each program, and intended to serve as an introductory guide to the program. Hosted by Dr. Greenblatt and/or other members of the PR Faculty, these Orientation webinars will review key components of the Fellowship, and provide ample time for open-forum Q&A. Details on these Zoom meetings will be provided via a private Fellows page.
  • Discuss your concerns and questions with faculty during provided office hours
  • Any questions you have may be posted for peer feedback and discussion in the private Fellow Community forum.
  • You may always email questions to fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org.

Fellowship Supervisions & Mentoring

What are Fellowship supervisions?

Supervisions (clinical rounds) are live Zoom calls with faculty to review curriculum and readings, discuss real patient cases, treatment plans, lab testing and more. These are an invaluable opportunity to gain clinical guidance from and interact with our faculty each month. Supervisions typically begin with a brief presentation led by Dr. Greenblatt and/or our faculty to review monthly topics, followed by robust case discussion and an open Q&A with all fellows.

This Fellowship provides multiple faculty-led supervisions each month, including group supervisions to cover Core Curriculum, and special supervisions with faculty on targeted topics and testing methodologies.

Supervisions are not required, but we consider them essential to the Fellowship training: our fellows consistently say that the supervisions are the most valuable portion of their training. Supervisions generally last about 1 hour, and are held live via Zoom. All supervisions are recorded so you can view them later in your student account in the LMS (learning management system).

How do I join the group supervisions?

Group supervisions are held mid-week, typically on Wednesdays at 8:00 pm EST (unless otherwise noted). Upon enrollment, you’ll find a syllabus and schedule in our learning management system (the LMS) that details the full supervision schedule, alongside Zoom links, special presentations, and more.

Before each live supervision, we request that you click the respective Zoom link to register for the upcoming session. Zoom details and links will be emailed to you so you can join the supervision webinar in real-time. In the event that faculty needs to reschedule a supervision (life happens!), fellows will be emailed immediately with the update and new date/time.

When do supervisions begin?

Group and special topic supervisions begin during the first month of each Fellowship cohort; they mark the official beginning of each Fellowship session.

For the Winter cohort, supervisions begin in mid-January (date TBD). For the Summer cohort, supervisions begin in mid-July.

The full schedule can be found in the syllabus provided in our learning management system (the LMS). Supervisions are typically held on Wednesdays at 8pm EST, and are recorded for later viewing.

Upon enrollment and the activation of your Psychiatry Redefined account in the LMS, you will receive regular correspondence from the Fellowship Director about supervisions. Dates and times, along with supervision Zoom links, instructions and access information, can all be found within the LMS system in the “course” titled, “Supervisions, Office Hours & Lectures.”

For more information on enrollment and activation of your account, please see the Enrollment & Eligibility FAQ section below.

What are the small group mentoring sessions?

The small group mentoring sessions are dedicated support groups led by community leaders and former fellows. Each group is broken out by discipline and led by a specific mentor in said discipline (nursing, naturopathy, psychiatry, etc). These group sessions provide fellows with a unique opportunity to connect with similar, discipline-specific peers, and find guidance and resources related to your background and practice.

Further details related to small groups, such as group leaders, schedules for mentoring sessions (Zoom meet-ups), and instructions for joining groups, will be released closer to the official program start date in January 2025.

What is the difference between supervisions and office hours?

Group supervisions are offered twice a month with Dr. Greenblatt to review the monthly content outlined in the syllabus, and special topic supervisions are offered 1-2 times a month to cover specific clinical topics and functional protocols. Supervisions are typically a brief presentation by Dr. Greenblatt and/or faculty, followed by robust case discussion and an open Q&A with all fellows. These supervisions last about one hour, and are held live via Zoom. All supervisions are recorded so you can view them later in your student account.

Office hours are set up to provide more in-depth case discussion, testing guidance and on-demand guidance, and answer fellow questions on a 1:1 basis. Office hours feature Dr. Greenblatt along with faculty who have specific expertise that coincides with the monthly syllabus topic.

When are supervisions and office hours held each month?

The Winter 2025 supervision schedule is still being finalized. When available, this schedule will be added to our learning management system (the LMS), and can be found within the “Supervisions, Lectures & Office Hours” section/course. Within this resource section you will find supervision dates, times and links broken out by month.

  • Group & Special Topic Supervisions: Group supervisions are held twice monthly, and special topic supervisions are held once/twice monthly. Group supervisions are typically held on Wednesdays at 8 pm EST, unless otherwise noted. All supervisions are held live via Zoom and recorded for later viewing; these recordings can be found in each month’s chapter for later viewing.*
  • Faculty Office Hours: Office hours are provided 2-3 times each month with faculty. Office hours are typically on Thursdays at 1 pm EST. Office hours are not regularly recorded but will be uploaded to the learning system if/when available.
  • Special Lectures: A handful of special lectures just for Fellows are available in the learning system. Upcoming special presentations will added to the schedule and shared with fellows as they become available throughout the year.

Is participation in supervisions mandatory? What if I cannot attend a supervision?

We recommend that Fellows join as many group and special topic supervisions (live clinical round sessions conducted via Zoom) as they can, so that they can get the most out of the real-time Q&A with Dr. Greenblatt. However, attendance at supervision sessions is not a requirement, and if you are unable to join a given supervision you will be able to access the session recording later via within your student account in our learning dashboard (LMS).

Please note: We work as quickly as possible to upload the latest supervision recordings in a timely manner. We kindly ask for 5-8 days of post-production work before the latest supervision is available in your student dashboard/LMS. These are generally ready sooner, but we thank you for your patience!

I see "Recommended Readings" listed on the Syllabus; do I have to read these ahead of each supervision?

As many of our Fellows enjoy delving deeper into various topics, we provide academic and professional articles to Fellows as optional adjuncts to learning. These are available upon login to the Learning Dashboard, found within each course and listed after all course modules (in the online course player).

These articles have been carefully selected such that they correspond with each month’s Core Curriculum course / Supervision topic, and invite a deeper understanding of the some of the concepts that will be presented during Supervisions.

These Recommended Readings, however, are not required for completion of the Fellowship, nor are they required for Supervision attendance and participation.

Will I be able to present and discuss questions from real clinical cases?

Yes! The Professional Fellowship is not only an educational experience, but a collaborative one. Learning how to apply your knowledge in real-life clinical contexts and improve patient outcomes is part of our guiding principles. Fellows are encouraged to present clinical cases for discussion, to stimulate group discourse and glean valuable insights from Dr. Greenblatt.

  • Peer Listserv: We encourage Fellows to present clinical cases for group review, weigh-in on questions and topics, and ask specific questions about clinical cases via the Listserv peer forum. Dr. Greenblatt maintains active participation in this email forum, and will comment on cases presented therein.
  • Group Supervisions: These live group sessions provide another opportunity to present clinical cases and ask questions. Q&A is built into the timetable for every Group Supervision, and the Faculty member leading the Supervision (Dr. Greenblatt) will answer questions pertaining to the topic at hand.
  • Submitting Questions: Questions may be submitted directly to the Faculty member moderating the Group Supervision via the GoToWebinar tool. Alternatively, you may submit questions and/or cases ahead of time to Heather Getz at hgetz@psychiatryredefined.org, who will provide them to the relevant Faculty member leading the upcoming Supervision Q&A. Learn more about submitting cases and questions for Supervisions.

PLEASE NOTE: Fellows who participate in forum discussions via the Listserv are solely responsible for adhering to policies for Patient Privacy and Confidentiality in accordance with all relevant institutional, state, and federal laws, along with our Fellowship Terms & Conditions.

Do I need a Zoom account to join the supervisions?

A Zoom account is not required if you are joining a Zoom webinar meeting as a participant. For more details about the Zoom platform, please visit Zoom.us.

Can I ask questions or submit cases for faculty to discuss during supervisions?

Yes, and we encourage Fellows to take advantage of the forum the supervisions provide in terms of discussion, questions, and case presentations.

When first reminders are sent out to fellows by the Fellowship Director, they will include an invitation to submit cases and/or questions by email in advance of the Supervision. Questions may be submitted in the body of an email to the Fellowship Director.

For case presentations, patient information and/or test data may be submitted as attachments (text or scanned documents). Please DO NOT submit more than five separate attachments per case. Please read the following FAQ regarding case submission policies.

Please note: There is often a deadline imposed by the Fellowship coordinator for advance submission of questions or cases, to allow our team adequate time to prepare material for the Supervision. Email submissions of cases and questions are not accepted beyond this deadline. However, Fellows may still ask questions via the chat function on the Zoom video player application.

What do I need to know about submitting cases for discussion during Supervisions or on the Listserv?

All Fellows are SOLELY responsible for responsible for adhering to policies for Patient Privacy and Confidentiality in accordance with all relevant institutional, state, and federal laws as well as our Fellowship Terms & Conditions.

IMPORTANT: Fellows who choose to submit patient data, test results, testing forms, and other documents should take care to redact or remove any and all potentially identifying information BEFORE submitting. Psychiatry Redefined is not responsible for the redaction of potentially identifying patient information from cases submitted by Fellows.

How do I access recordings of previous supervisions?

Live supervisions are recorded and uploaded to your student account after each session.

Simply log into your account within the Psychiatry Redefined Learning Dashboard (LMS) and visit your student dashboard. Locate and click on the thumbnail labeled “Fellowship Group Supervisions, Office Hours & Lectures.”

This will take you to the course player; on the left side you will find supervision details (both live and previously recorded) listed by month. Click on the date/topic you wish to view, and the course player will launch the monthly chapter, providing you with options to watch the recorded video(s).

Please note: We work as quickly as possible to upload the latest Supervision recordings in a timely manner. We kindly ask for 5-8 days of post-production work before the latest supervision is available in your student dashboard/LMS. These are generally ready sooner, but we thank you for your patience!

Fellowship Program Completion & Certification

Will I be certified in Functional Medicine upon completion of this Fellowship?

Yes! When you complete this Fellowship training in full, you can become a Psychiatry Redefined Certified Functional Medicine Provider (PRCFMP), and receive a Certificate of Training Completion – recognition provided exclusively by Psychiatry Redefined.

Completing all courses of the Core Curriculum is required to obtain this title and certification. Claiming eligibility for a certificate and PRCFMP title is entirely optional. Click here to learn more about certification and see the questions below for further details.

*Education & Certification Disclaimer: Psychiatry Redefined is neither a regulatory nor licensing organization and therefore not sanctioned to certify, license, or otherwise bestow the legal authorization to practice as a psychiatrist, nurse or NP, PA, psychologist, nutritionist, physician, or other mental health professional. Certification from the Fellowship training certifies a candidate’s completion of the Fellowship training ONLY. Our Fellowship is NOT intended to replace, override, or conflict with existing board certification or national licensing requirements for health professionals and their requirements for practice in their state of residency and practice. Our Fellowship is NOT intended to replace formal clinical education or to provide qualifications for independent clinical practice. Certification from our Fellowship training does not automatically translate into or qualify for clinical practice privileges. Completing our Fellowship does not imply or guarantee the legal right to practice medicine or provide clinical services.

Will I receive a certificate?

Yes! Upon completion of all Core Curriculum in the Fellowship training you may receive a Certificate of Completion, and will be verified as a Psychiatry Redefined Certified Functional Medicine Provider (PRCFMP). This requires a Completion Review by our leadership; please see details below on that process.

To help you market your valuable knowledge and clinical skills in functional medicine for mental health, we also provide a promotional Psychiatry Redefined Certified Functional Medicine Provider (PRCFMP) badge that can use on their marketing, communication and promotional materials by fellows. Many fellows find this to be a helpful tool to expand their practice and help patients understand their personalized, whole-person approach to care.

CME Certificates: These are also available to those who intend to claim CME credits for their participation in the specific and accredited courses in this Fellowship training. These CME certificates are separate certifications that have been approved by the ACCME. Please see the CME section of the FAQs page (below) for more information.

Why is certification in Functional Medicine important?

When you complete this Fellowship, you will become a Psychiatry Redefined Certified Functional Medicine Provider (PRCFMP) and you can obtain a Certificate of Completion – both exclusively bestowed by Psychiatry Redefined.

This certification establishes yourself as a leader in the field of mental health care, and distinguishes you from colleagues. It communicates to colleagues, employers and patients an extensive competency unavailable in any other professional mental health training.

Functional medicine providers for mental illness are in extremely high demand by patients and employers. This certification clears a path towards a rewarding career in functional medicine. For many alumni, this training kick starts a thriving private practice in functional and integrative medicine. For alumni associated with larger health care organizations, they are implementing new functional interventions to improve institutional approaches and care strategies.

What are the steps for becoming certified?

To become a certified provider (PRCFMP) and receive a Certificate of Completion, Fellows must complete all training modules in courses that comprise the Core Curriculum. Certification is available to fellows at the end of their first 12 months in the program. Completing all courses of the Core Curriculum and claiming eligibility for a certificate is entirely optional.

After completing all courses and making it through your first year of study, fellows who have completed all modules of all Core Curriculum courses may request a Completion Review with Fellowship Director, Heather Getz, at fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org. If the review confirms completion of all required courses, instructions for obtaining your Fellowship Certificate of Completion and obtaining official recognition as a Certified Provider will be provided to you.

Note: Psychiatry Redefined is neither a regulatory nor licensing organization and therefore not sanctioned to certify, license, or otherwise bestow the legal authorization to practice as a psychiatrist, nurse or NP, PA, psychologist, nutritionist, physician, or other mental health professional. Certification certifies a candidate’s completion of the Fellowship training only. Nothing about this training is intended to replace, override, or conflict with existing board certification or national licensing requirements for health professionals and their requirements for practice in their state of residency and practice.

What are the required components of the Psychiatry Redefined Fellowship?

Completion of all courses and course content listed within the Core Curriculum Psychiatry Redefined Professional Fellowship are required in order to obtain a Certificate of Completion, receive certification as a Psychiatry Redefined Certified Functional Medicine Provider (PRCFMP), and be included in the online Provider Directory.

  • Completing all courses of the Core Curriculum and claiming eligibility for a certificate is entirely optional.
  • Fellows have access to all courses and course materials for two years; fulfillment of these completion requirements may be claimed anytime during these two years.
  • Upon completion of these required components, you may request a Completion Review to obtain your certificate/certification. Please see the following FAQs in this section to learn more about this process.

What is a Completion Review, and how long will this take?

A Completion Review entails members of the Psychiatry Redefined administrative team reviewing and confirming Fellow online activity within the online learning dashboard. Per Fellowship policy, certification is contingent upon the completion of all modules (video lectures) of all courses in the Core Curriculum – or, in other words, the viewing of all module lectures, in their entirety, of all courses of the Core Curriculum.

  1. To request a Completion Review, please email the Fellowship Director at fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org.
  2. A Completion Review may take up to one (1) week to process.
  3. The Fellowship Coordinator will email you with confirmation of the review findings as soon as possible. If the review confirms your completion of required course content, instructions for obtaining certification.
  4. If the review determines that there are outstanding courses and/or course modules that must be completed, the Fellowship coordinator will email you to let you know what Core Curriculum content you need to finish to become certified.

Will Psychiatry Redefined track my total course hours through the duration of the Fellowship?

No. Fellows who wish to track their course, Supervision, and/or Mentoring hours are responsible for doing so as they progress through the Fellowship. For helpful reference, the following is a rough estimation of total hours (learning and curriculum, faculty interaction, etc):

  • Over 315 learning hours from courses, webinars, lectures, conference presentations, educational material and readings
  • Approximately 50 hours of combined faculty supervisions and mentoring/office hours

To assist in your progression through the curriculum, the PR Learning Dashboard (LMS) automatically tracks course and module progress, and saves all progress upon each exit of the system.

Is there a way to maintain my access to course materials once I have completed the Fellowship program?

Yes! Fellows may extend their access indefinitely to the educational platform (LMS), the Fellowship Listserv, monthly office hours, educational events and recordings, and all courses and material by purchasing the Extended Access Subscription. Please email Heather Getz at fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org for more information on how to proceed.

Please note that this extended subscription is only available to those who have enrolled in the Fellowship.

Is there a way to maintain my membership in the PR Listserv upon Fellowship completion?

Yes! Fellows may extend their access to the PR Listserv for another year upon completion of the Fellowship program by purchasing an Annual Listserv Subscription. Please email Fellowship Director at fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org for more information.

Please note that this subscription is only available to those who have completed the Fellowship.

Fellowship Fees & Refunds

How much does the Fellowship program cost? Are there payment plans available?

The 2024-2025 Fellowship tuition fee is $6,000. Available tuition payment plans are detailed below:

  1. A one-time, upfront payment of $6,000
  2. Three (3) monthly installments of $2100/month, billed for 3 months with the first payment due upon enrollment
  3. Four (4) monthly installments of $1650/month, billed for 4 months with the first payment due upon enrollment
  4. Twelve (12) monthly installments of $575/month, billed for 12 months with the first payment due upon enrollment

If you choose to pay in monthly installments your credit/debit card information will be stored securely and your credit card will be billed each month (on a 30-day interval) beginning with the date of your initial enrollment. Charges will continue monthly (depending on your monthly payment plan) until all payments have been made.

If you choose to pay in monthly installments, the following applies:

  • All monthly payments will be billed within the first 3, 4, or 12 months of your Fellowship (depending on your plan), beginning with the date of initial enrollment.
  • Your credit/debit card information will be stored securely and your credit card will be billed each month (on a thirty [30] day interval) upon the date of your initial enrollment for a total of either 3, 4, or 12 payments (depending on your plan).
  • You agree to keep your credit card information active and up-to-date, and to notify us immediately should you need to update your information or register a new card prior to any subsequent installment billing date
  • If any subsequent monthly payment is declined after the first monthly payment, you will be notified by Psychiatry Redefined administrative personnel and required to update your billing/payment details.
  • Upon two (2) additional unsuccessful monthly payment attempts—or if we do not receive any reply from you within one (1) week of notifying you of the failed payment attempt—your account status will be deemed “past due,” your account will be paused, and you will lose access to all courses, course materials, and program sessions until the full balance of the outstanding payment is successfully processed in full. Once all outstanding payments are processed your account status will be returned to “active” and program access will be restored.

PLEASE NOTE: We require 30 days notice before any cancellation. A cancellation does not confer a refund.

For inquiries related to billing information update and changes, please contact Heather Getz at hgetz@psychiatryredefined.org.

Do you offer discounts for students?

Psychiatry Redefined offers a discount on Fellowship registration fees for full-time students as well as medical/psychiatric residents and interns.

If you would like to be considered for the student discount, email Heather Getz at hgetz@psychiatryredefined.org.  Please be prepared to provide contact information for your current academic advisor(s) and/or residency supervisor so that we may verify your status as a student/resident/intern.

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes! We are excited to announce that we have launched a Scholarship Program for the Fellowship!

We are invested in your education and committed to making our Fellowship as accessible as possible for interested practitioners. We believe root cause medical training for mental health is essential for all providers, the patient population at large, and the future of health care.

We offer a variety of limited scholarships for tuition assistance. We realize our fellows are entering this training at different points in their career and have different financial backgrounds. Our scholarships are provided based on financial need and other eligibility criteria, such as early career status, educational background, work with underserved populations, and more. There are a limited number of scholarships for each Fellowship cohort, so we encourage you to inquire early if you are interested.

Please note: Should a Fellow choose a monthly payment options, the total scholarship amount will be equally distributed across the total number of monthly payments within the selected plan.

Book a private discovery phone call now with Dr. James Greenblatt to learn more about scholarships and see if you qualify. Questions? Email our Fellowship Director at fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org.

What is the refund policy on the Fellowship program?

We do offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee. If within seven (7) days you decide that the program is not a fit for you, Psychiatry Redefined will process a refund under the Terms of this Agreement. All refunds must be requested within seven (7) days. In order to qualify for a refund, learners must have progressed through less than 10% of the educational content in question. All refunds will be processed minus a 5% transaction fee.

  • Refunds: To be eligible for a refund, please email your request to fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org within seven (7) calendar days of your initial enrollment in the program.
  • Fees: All refunds are subject to a 5% transaction fee.
  • Cancellations: We require 7 days notice before any cancellation. A cancellation does not confer a refund.

What happens if I miss the refund deadline?

Psychiatry Redefined does not offer refunds on Fellowship program fees after the refund deadline.  However, we do understand that some registrants may need to pause their participation in the program due to circumstances beyond their control. For this reason, the Fellowship was created for optimal flexibility. The Psychiatry Redefined fellowship is a self-paced program with no firm deadlines on coursework.  Combined with 24-7 online access from virtually any location, the program gives Fellows the opportunity to speed up, slow down, pause, or resume study at their own discretion. Once enrolled, you have full access to course materials for two (2) years, providing ample flexibility to work around any unexpected life events.

If unexpected life events make it necessary for you to pause your Fellowship training, please email Heather Getz at hgetz@psychiatryredefined.org and we’ll work with you to accommodate your needs in accordance with program Terms & Conditions.

PLEASE NOTE: We require 30 days notice before any cancellation. A cancellation does not confer a refund.

What happens if I have to drop out of the program halfway through?

We take pride in providing each Fellow with a highly personalized learning experience, and want to ensure a successful education and journey. With twelve (12) months of 24/7 access to online courses and Group Supervisions, the Fellowship model was built to be accommodating to even the busiest healthcare professional. For example, if you miss a monthly course or Supervision, you can watch a recording of said session later at your convenience.

However, we do understand that some registrants may need to pause their participation in the program due to circumstances beyond their control. If unexpected circumstances require that you pause your Fellowship training, please email Heather Getz at hgetz@psychiatryredefined.org and we’ll work with you to accommodate your needs in accordance with our program Terms & Conditions.

PLEASE NOTE: We require 30 days notice before any cancellation. A cancellation does not confer a refund.

Can I opt-out of a course to receive a discount on the Fellowship program cost?

No. Our Professional Fellowship has been designed as an integrated educational program, blending web-based coursework, live Group Supervision and case consultation, and peer forum interactions, to provide Fellows with a comprehensive, progressive learning experience. Each component is intended to build upon previous coursework.  For this reason, we do not allow Fellows to “opt out” of individual courses within the program.

For those who wish to customize their own learning experience or who may be interested in specific mental health topics, single educational courses  are available for purchase.

I do not want to claim CME credits. Can I get a discount on CME-approved courses featured in the Fellowship?

Unfortunately, no. Obtaining CME credit through this Fellowship is optional and determined by each participant. It is not required that you claim CME credits for accredited courses.

If you do not want CME credit, you are not required to complete the necessary certification components. If you wish to claim CME credit for each accredited course, you will need to complete a course post-test and evaluation. Instructions for certification are available at the end of each accredited course.

Online Course Access & The Learning Dashboard (LMS)

How soon after I process payment will I have access to course material?

Your member account and login will be activated within 72 hours of registration, if not sooner. At that time you will have full access to all curriculum and online materials via our Learning Management System (LMS) dashboard.

I lost the LMS link. Where can I find the login to my student account?

You can access the Learning Management System (LMS) and your student dashboard here.

For handy reference, you can also find this LMS link in the very top right of our website (in the navy banner), listed as “Course Log-In.”

Do I need any special software to access the Course Dashboard (LMS)?

No; all you need is a device with internet connectivity and a web browser.

Can I access course material at any time?

Yes. One of the benefits of our Learning Management System (LMS) is 24/7 access for 365 day, from virtually any location. Fellows can log into their member dashboard on the LMS from a PC, tablet, cell phone, or laptop, and continue their studies when most convenient for them.

What if I encounter technical difficulties with course access?

LMS access issues and other technical difficulties should be reported to Heather Getz at hgetz@psychiatryredefined.org.

Is there a way to maintain access to my student dashboard, course materials, and the Listserv after my term of study ends?

Yes! Fellows may extend their access to our learning dashboard (the LMS) and all curriculum for another year upon completion of the Fellowship program by purchasing the Extended Access Subscription.

Fellows may extend their access to the PR Listserv for another year upon completion of the Fellowship program by purchasing an Annual Listserv Subscription.

  • For all Fellows prior to 2024: If you purchased the one-year enrollment option, access to curriculum in the LMS will expire within twelve months after the first month of your Fellowship program cohort. For example, if you enroll for the Summer 2023 Cohort, the program begins in July 2023 and will run for twelve months, concluding in June 2024.
  • For 2024 Fellows and beyond: The 2024 Fellowship program now provides two years of access to all educational content in the LMS.

Please email fellowship@psychiatryredefined.org for more information about these continuation options. Please note that these extended subscriptions are only available to those who are/were enrolled in the Fellowship.

Functional Psychiatry CME Credits

What Psychiatry Redefined courses are approved for CME credits?

As of 2024, the Psychiatry Redefined Fellowship offers a total of 49 CME credits. More CME credits are continually being added for our courses, seminars and events.

More specifically, the program includes 13 educational activities approved for CME. Credit can be pursued separately for each activity as desired.

Courses approved by MedicusCME and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) are as follows:

Conference and seminar lectures approved by MedicusCME and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) are as follows:

Do you provide CE credits?

No, we do not provide CE credits for any of our curriculum at this time.

Do I have to claim and report CME credit for accredited courses when participating in the Fellowship?

No; pursuing CME credits for accredited courses is entirely optional.

You are not required to report credits to the ACCME. However, credits claimed for each course are tracked and reported to the ACCME annually, so it’s incumbent upon our fellows to report and claim hours accurately.

What entity is the designated CME provider for Psychiatry Redefined?

The designated CME provider for Psychiatry Redefined is: Comprehensive Psychiatric Resources, Inc.

Do I have to pass tests along the way?

If you intend to claim CME credits for any of the accredited courses, you must complete, submit and score a passing grade for said course tests. The minimum passing grade for CME tests is 80%. If you score below this grade on your first attempt, you may revisit the module lecture (with the online course player), then retake the quiz up to three times.

If you do not wish to claim CME credits, then you do not need to take or pass each post-test. While post-test help you obtain certification, they are meant to reinforce knowledge gained in course lectures, and should be viewed as an adjunct to learning.

How do I fulfill CME requirements for each accredited course?

In order to fulfill CME requirements for each accredited course you must:

  • Complete all module post-tests for said course. CME post-test require a passing grade of 80%. You are given three attempts to pass the post-test and there is not time constraint/delay for taking/retaking tests.
  • Complete the Course Evaluation for said course

Once all required components have been completed, instructions will be provided for obtaining your CME Certificate for that course.

How do I view and complete course post-tests and evaluations for CME courses?

Instructions for completing certification and obtaining your certificate are provided at the end of each accredited course. You can also find each CME Certification “course” on your student (LMS) dashboard.

Each CME Certification “course” is a separate component from the educational course itself. These CME Certification courses contain: all accreditation information, the required course post-tests, required course evaluations and/or links, and a form for generating your personalized CME Certificate.

Do I have to complete a Course Evaluation for every accredited course for which I want to claim credit?

Yes, per ACCME policies and requirements, you must complete a course evaluation for every CME-approved course for which you want to claim CME credit.

Do I have to complete all tests and evaluations in one sitting?

No. Just like the individual modules of the online courses, your progress is saved in your student account as you go.

The course post-tests and required evaluations for accredited courses can be completed at your own pace. If you need a break after finishing the first test, for example, you may pause; you may then return to the course player, and you can pick up where you left off.

Do I have to report my credits to the ACCME?

No. Courses approved for CME by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and MedicusCME do not require that you report your obtained credits after course completion and certification.

However, we strongly encourage all Fellows to stay abreast of the latest credit reporting guidelines for each type of credit they are pursuing to remain in compliance with their respective state board.

I previously completed a Psychiatry Redefined course that is now approved for CME credit. Can I claim retroactive credit?

No; CME credits can only be claimed for courses that were completed within our terms of active credit approval. The term of approval for Psychiatry Redefined’s current CME courses began September 1st, 2019.  If you completed any of these courses prior to this date, you cannot claim CME credits.

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