Mental health care is shifting. Stay at the forefront of clinician education and discover clinicians who could use your targeted services and products.
Join providers of all backgrounds for a leading-edge online conference exploring effective functional medicine protocols for mental health. Presentations will focus on functional, science-backed protocols for treating mental illness, along with practical strategies to improve clinical practice. More specifically, our speaker panel will examine the underlying causes of mental illness and unique patient biochemistry; address biological, genetic, and environmental factors affecting wellness; and help providers create personalized care strategies for improved patient treatment.
If you are new to working with us, we kindly ask that you complete the Sponsorship Inquiry form at the bottom of this page so that we may review your company information. Questions? Please email our Director of Education & Events, Heather Getz, at
Connect your company directly with mental healthcare professionals dedicated to delivering personalized, functional and integrative care.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Basic Sponsor Package
- Brief introduction to all attendees at start of a break
- Company logo, website, overview and link on Sponsors section of conference website
- Company logo on Sponsors slide shown in rotation during breaks
- Dedicated company slide shown in rotation during breaks
- Company feature on online Conference Dashboard (the attendee hub featuring the schedule, presentation slides, resource handouts, etc)
- Dedicated Sponsor page on online Conference Dashboard (can include video, overview, links, downloads/PDFs, attendee offers, lead collection form, etc)
- Company promotion in pre- and post-conference emails to attendees
- Post-conference list of attendees
Sponsored Pre-Conference Email
- One (1) sponsored, pre-conference email blast to full Psychiatry Redefined audience list (over 47,000 email subscribers)
Custom Sponsorship Packages Available!
If your company has a unique way to share your product or services with attendees, we’d love to hear it! We’ve customized partnership packages to include exclusive webinars for attendees, sponsored articles, dedicated research emails to subscribers, and more! We’d be happy to work with your company to develop a fitting custom conference sponsorship package. To learn more or submit your ideas for consideration, please email