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Integrative Medicine for Depression:

The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan That Defeats Depression

By James Greenblatt, MD

A disease that has long-plagued humankind, depression is debilitating. Despite the frequency with which they’re prescribed, medication along doesn’t always provide relief, and oftentimes, has side effects that limit effectiveness.

There’s new hope for treatment, as powerful scientific evidence suggests that depression can be triggered by biochemical imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. In the updated edition of Integrative Medicine for Depression, Dr. Greenblatt introduces a functional medicine approach for the treatment of depression that honors the unique biological, psychological, and emotional needs of each person.

This book offers fresh new possibilities for those who suffer from depression, and an evidence-based roadmap towards lasting recovery.

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More About This Book

This book offers fresh new possibilities for those who suffer from depression, and an evidence-based roadmap towards lasting recovery. More specifically, it covers:

  • The biological mechanisms that drive depression

  • Why previous treatments may have failed

  • Economical approaches to help regulate depression symptoms

  • Way to minimize the side effects of antidepressants

  • Strategies for a personal nutritional supplement program

From Kirkus Reviews

  • “A scientifically scrupulous and impressively accessible introduction to integrative psychiatry.”

From the Foreword Clarion Review

  • “The book’s patient-centered approach is appealing, and its accessible style and natural language make it easy to absorb”
  • “The book’s basis in traditional psychiatry gives it conceptual stability, and it draws upon Greenblatt’s medical expertise in a reassuring way”
  • “Integrative Medicine for Depression is an accessible and informative medical book for popular audiences.”
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